Will County Fair
Will County Fair

Jr Beef Cattle

Department H-1
Kelly Toppen, Superintendent (815) 791-8140
Entries Close Monday, August 5, 2024
Estimated Amount Offered $6,786.00
Judging Time - 9:00 a.m. Saturday, August 24th
Entry Fee - $6.00 per entry
See 2024 State Exhibition Livestock Health Requirements
1. Each exhibitor must comply with the General Eligibility Rules of this Department.
2. Breeding animals must be purebred and registered in the name of the Junior exhibitor. Registration papers must be made available for inspection by directors in charge and remain in exhibitors possession for duration of fair. Registration papers will be required on the registered heifer, cow or dam of calf before animals are shown.
3. Each exhibitor shall be limited to one entry in each class. No animal can be shown in more than one class, except as provided in the General Eligibility Rules.
4. All steers shown must have been owned and cared for by the exhibitor since February 1, 2024. All Breeding Stock Classes must have been owned and cared for by the exhibitor since June 1. The Superintendents expect any boy or girl showing a steer in the Junior Show to be able to show ownership as of February 1, 2024. Steer jockeys are not eligible nor welcome in the Junior Show.
5. Market animals may be purebred, grade or crossbred. Animals exhibited must be shown in breed class for which they show predominant characteristics, to be determined by the Superintendent of the class.
6. Weighing of Steers and Commercial Breeding Heifers - All steers and breeding heifers must be officially weighed for classification before entering the judging ring. The Superintendent shall have the right to require any steer to be reweighed and shall have the right to divide steer classes as he sees fit (approximately 900 lbs.). No steers under 900 lbs. will be allowed to show. Steers will be divided into three weight classes by superintendent.
7. Anyone requesting stalls next to another exhibitor shall make request at time of entry. Once stalls are assigned, no changes will be made or all premiums will be forfeited.
9. Commercial Breeding Heifers will be shown by weight.
10. If question of age, Superintendent shall have the right to mouth all steers.
11. All animals must have registration papers and be ear-marked if Breeding Association so requires.
12. Weight classes 835, 856, 877, 914, and 917 will be allowed no more than 2 sub-classes. Weight class 920 will be allowed no more than 3 sub-classes. Sub classes will be determined by the superintendent.
13. Junior Department Shows are open to boys and girls who are 8 years of age or in third grade and not yet 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair.
14. Exhibitors are limited to one fan per three head of cattle.
15. All animals to be groomed South of Main Road.


Bull CalfCalved Between Sept. 1, 2023 and after
Winter Heifer CalfCalved between Jan. 1, 2024 and April 30, 2024
Junior Heifer CalfCalved between Nov. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023
Senior Heifer CalfCalved between Sept. 1, 2023 and Oct. 31, 2023
Late Summer Yearling HeiferCalved between July 1, 2023 and Aug. 31, 2023
Early Summer Yearling HeiferCalved between May 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023
Late Junior Yearling HeiferCalved between March 1, 2023 and April 30, 2023
Early Junior Yearling HeiferCalved between Jan. 1, 2023 and Feb. 28, 2023
Senior Yearling HeiferCalved between Sept. 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022
Shorthorn and
Polled Shorthorn
Hereford and
Polled Hereford
AngusAll Other Breeds
Class No.Classes1st2nd3rd4th
823843865902Bull Calf35292322
824845866903Cow/Calf - Cow any age, calf current year35292322
825846867904Winter Heifer Calf35292322
826847868905Junior Heifer Calf35292322
827848869906Senior Heifer Calf35292322
828849870907Late Summer Yearling Heifer35292322
829850871908Early Summer Yearling Heifer35292322
830851872909Late Junior Yearling Heifer35292322
831852873910Early Junior Yearling Heifer35292322
832853874911Senior Yearling Heifer35292322
833854875912Champion Female$15.00 - Rosette
834855876913Reserve Champion Female$10.00 - Rosette
917Breeding Heifer35292322
918Champion Breeding Heifer$15.00 - Rosette
919Reserve Champion Breeding Heifer$10.00 - Rosette
835856877914920Steer Show35292322
838859880915921Champion Steer$15.00 - Rosette
839860881916922Reserve Champion Steer$10.00 - Rosette
SPECIAL AWARDS - No Entry Number Required
Trophies Given By:927Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair Over All Breeds$20.00 - Rosette

Peotone Animal Hospital
Bob Kohl
DeJong Equipment
Strawson Angus
Smith Stock Farms
JDB Angus
Strawson Angus
Will County Fair
928Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair Over All Breeds$15.00 - Rosette
929Grand Champion Female Over All Breeds$20.00 - Rosette - Trophy
930Reserve Grand Champion Female Over All Breeds$15.00 - Rosette
931Grand Champion Steer OAB$20.00 - Rosette - Trophy
932Reserve Champion Steer OAB$15.00 - Rosette
939Novice Showmanship
8 - 10 years
Trophy & Ribbon
940Junior Showmanship Award
11 - 14 years
Trophy & Ribbon
941Senior Showmanship Award
15 to 21 years
Trophy & Ribbon
$25.00 Cash Award for Grand Champion Steer OAB, given by DeJong Equipment.
$25.00 Cash Award for Champion Shorthorn Steer given by DeJong Equipment.
$25.00 Cash Award for Champion Angus Steer given by DeJong Equipmen
$25.00 Cash Award for Champion Herford Steer, given by Charles and Earline Patton
$25.00 Champion Cash Award for Champion Herford Female, given by Charles and Earline Patton
$25.00 Cash Award for Champion AOB Steer, given by JDB Angus
$25.00 Cash award for Champion Crossbred Steer, given by JDB Angus