Will County Fair
Will County Fair

Jr Dairy Cattle

Department H-2

JAMES MEYER (815) 258-9573 - Superintendent
VIRGINIA HAMANN, GEORGE HALPIN Assistant Superintendents
Entries Close Monday, August 5, 2024 - 5:00 p.m.
Estimated Amount Offered $9,148.00
Judging Time -- Friday, August 23, 2024 -- 9:00 a.m.
Entry Fee --$7.00 per entry

  1. Each Exhibitor must comply with the General Eligibility Rules of this department and the 2024 State Exhibition Livestock Health Requirements.
  2. Animals must be purebred and registered in the name of the junior exhibitor. Registration papers will be required before animals are shown.
  3. Each exhibitor shall be limited to one entry in each class. No exhibitor, however, will be permitted to enter more than two breeds.
  4. Entries in the dairy classes must have been the property of the exhibitor in accordance with the following dates: January 1 of current year for cows, and June 1 of current year for calves.
  5. All animals must have registration papers and be ear-marked if Breeding Association so requires. Registration papers must be made available for inspection by Directors in charge and remain in exhibitors possession for duration of fair.
  6. Registered Red and White Holstein’s are eligible to show.
  7. Due to sanitary conditions NO MILK will be dumped on the ground.
  8. Junior Department Shows are open to boys and girls who are 8 years of age or in third grade and not yet 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair.

Spring Heifer Calf Born after 3-1-24 thru 6-1-24
Winter Heifer Calf Born after 12-1-23 thru 2-28-24
Fall Heifer Calf Born 9-1-23 thru 11-30-23
Summer Yearling Born 6-1-23 thru 8-31-23
Spring Yearling Born 3-1-23 thru 5-31-23
Winter Yearling Born 12-1-22 thru 2-28-23
Fall Yearling Born 9-1-22 thru 11-30-22
2 yr. old Cow Born 9-1-21 thru 8-31-22
3 & 4 yr. old Cow Born 9-1-20 thru 8-31-21
Aged Cow Born before 9-1-20

Please use dumpsters stationed at each barn for manure, only.
Cooperation from each exhibitor to help keep the Fairgrounds clean would be appreciated.

Ayrshire Guernsey Holstein
(B-W & R-W)
Brown SwissJersey Milking Shorthorn
Class No.Classes1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
952971990100910281047Spring Heifer Calf30 28 26 25 24
953972991101010291048Winter Heifer Calf3028262524
954973992101110301049Fall Heifer Calf3028262524
955974993101210311050Summer Yearling3028262524
956975994101310321051Spring Yearling3028262524
957976995101410331052Winter Yearling3028262524
958977996101510341053Fall Yearling3028262524
959978997101610351054Jr. Champion Female$15.00 - Rosette
1063 Jr. Champion Female OAB$20.00 - Rosette
9609799981017103610552 year old Cow3028262524
9619809991018103710563 & 4 year old Cow3028262524
9629811000101910381057Aged Cow3028262524
9639821001102010391058Dry Cow 3 year old & over3028262524
9649831002102110401059Sr. Champion Female$15.00 - Rosette
1064Sr. Champion Female OAB$20.00 - Rosette
9659841003102210411060Grand Champion Female (each breed)$25.00 - Rosette
No Entry Number Required
1065Grand Champion Dairy Female Over All Breeds$25.00 Cash Award
Donated By:
Kathy Shanahan
1066Novice ShowmanshipTrophy & Ribbon
1067Jr. ShowmanshipTrophies & Ribbon
1068Sr. Showmanship