Jr Sheep
Department H-3
LARRY NELSON (815) 674-3429 & Bill Chapin (815) 954-5129 Co- Superintendents
SHERRYL NELSON - Assistant Superintendent
Entries Close Monday, August 5, 2024 - 5:00 p.m.
Estimated Amount Offered $7,720.00
Pick up all premium checks in the office by 9:00p.m., Sunday August 25th.
Judging Time -- 9:00 a.m., Saturday, August 24, 2024
Entry Fee -- $6.00 per entry / Pen Rent - $3.00 per head for the duration of the Fair.
Entry and pen fees must be paid at the time entry is made.
See 2024 State Exhibition Livestock Health Requirements.
1. Each exhibitor must comply with the General Eligibility Rules of the Junior Department.
2. Each exhibitor shall be limited to one entry in each class. No exhibitor will be permitted to enter more than two breeds. Entries in single classes may also be entered in pen.
3. Animals entered must be purebred and registered in the name of the exhibitor. Junior exhibitors must have all animals registered in his or her own name. (Partnership registration is not acceptable.) All animals must be docked. Registration papers will be required before animals are shown and must be made available for inspection by Directors in charge and remain in exhibitors possession for duration of fair. All sheep must have association tag in ear and breeder’s tag.
4. Animals must have been owned by the exhibitor 30 days before Fair opens.
5. Market lambs (female or male) may be grade or crossbred, and can only be shown in Market classes.
6. Juniors must show their own sheep.
7. Each exhibitor may enter two entries in the Market Lamb Class.
8. Single Market Lamb Classes will be divided by weight into classes, by the Superintendent’s in charge, as they decide.
9. Weight Class 1216 and 1218 will be allowed no more than 5 Sub-Classes. Weight Class 1217 and 1219 will be allowed no more than 2 Sub-Classes. Sub-Classes will be determined by the Superintendent.
10. Market Lambs will be weighed Wednesday, August 21st at 3:00 p.m.
11. All animals must be clipped, cut and groomed or premium will be forfeited.
12. All aisles must be cleaned and raked daily by 8:00 a.m.
13. Junior Department Shows are open to boys and girls who are 8 years of age or in third grade and not yet 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the year previous to the fair.
14. Shropshire/Chevoit will now be showing under "All Other Purebred Meat Breeds".
HELP WITH NEW CLEAN-UP PROJECT. Please use dumpsters stationed at each barn for manure only.
Cooperation from each exhibitor to help keep the Fairgrounds clean would appreciated
Comm-ercial | South-down | Hamp-shire | Hairs | Monte-dale | Dorset | All Other Purebred Breeds Wool | All Other Purebred Breeds Meat | Market Lambs (Fat Lambs) | ||||||
Class No | Classes | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | ||||||||
1069 | 1081 | 1096 | 1111 | 1126 | 1141 | 1186 | 1201 | Ram, 1 year old & under 2 years | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1070 | 1082 | 1097 | 1112 | 1127 | 1142 | 1187 | 1202 | Ram, Fall Lamb | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1071 | 1083 | 1098 | 1113 | 1128 | 1143 | 1188 | 1203 | Ram, Spring Lamb | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1072 | 1084 | 1099 | 1114 | 1129 | 1144 | 1189 | 1204 | Pair of Ram Labs | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1073 | 1085 | 1100 | 1115 | 1130 | 1145 | 1190 | 1205 | Champion Ram | $10.00 - Rosette | |||||
1074 | 1086 | 1101 | 1116 | 1131 | 1146 | 1191 | 1206 | Reserve Champion Ram | $5.00 - Rosette | |||||
1075 | 1087 | 1102 | 1117 | 1132 | 1147 | 1192 | 1207 | Ewe, 1 year old & under 2 years | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1076 | 1089 | 1104 | 1119 | 1134 | 1149 | 1194 | 1209 | Ewe, Fall Lamb | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1077 | 1090 | 1105 | 1120 | 1135 | 1150 | 1195 | 1210 | Ewe, Spring Lamb | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1078 | 1091 | 1106 | 1121 | 1136 | 1151 | 1196 | 1211 | Pair of Ewe Lambs | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
1079 | 1092 | 1107 | 1122 | 1137 | 1152 | 1197 | 1212 | Champion Ewe | $10.00 - Rosette | |||||
1080 | 1093 | 1108 | 1123 | 1138 | 1153 | 1198 | 1213 | Reserve Champion Ewe | $5.00 - Rosette | |||||
Trophies Given By: WILL COUNTY FAIR ASSN. $25.00 Cash Award for Grand Champion Market Lamb given by Manteno Farmers Elevator Assn. | 1216 | Single Market Lamb, Wether | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |||||||
1217 | Pen of 2 Market Lambs, Wether | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | ||||||||
1218 | Single Market Lamb, Ewe | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | ||||||||
1219 | Pen of 2 Market Lambs, Ewes | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | ||||||||
Special Awards - No Entry Number Required | ||||||||||||||
1223 | Grand Champion Ram Over All Breeds | $15.00 - Rosette - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1224 | Reserve Grand Champion Ram Over All Breeds | $10.00 - Rosette | ||||||||||||
1225 | Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds | $15.00 - Rosette - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1226 | Reserve Grand Champion Ewe Over All Breeds | $10.00 - Rosette | ||||||||||||
1227 | Grand Champion Market Lamb | $15.00 - Rosette - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1228 | Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb | $10.00 - Rosette | ||||||||||||
1229 | Grand Champion Pen of Market Lambs | $15.00 - Rosette - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1230 | Reserve Champion Pen of Market Lambs | $10.00 - Rosette | ||||||||||||
1231 | Novice Showmanship Award | Ribbon - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1232 | Junior Showmanship Award | Ribbon - Trophy | ||||||||||||
1233 | Senior Showmanship Award | Ribbon - Trophy |